Tag Archives: Facebook

Creative Energy

Notes on Creativity theme of the week:
Life and Creativity

When I’m on- connected, fired up, in flow, inspired, energized, bursting with new ideas- I can almost feel it physically. There’s a spot somewhere in the middle of my breastbone where a surge of energy is born. And the words write themselves, the excitement pours out, one image morphs into another and another and fireworks go off. It’s like living on a different plane for as long as the inspiration lasts. I am truly alive.

I can get carried away riding this wave. And though it’s a high, I need to be grounded and use that energy to a meaningful end and not let it run wild. The last few paragraphs of Richard Florida’s book, The Rise of the Creative Class , contain some thoughts about directing our creativity. (As a note, I haven’t actually read the whole book. I’m more of a ‘give me the main point’ kinda gal- I read back covers and the last couple of paragraphs of books. I want the bottom line. If I like the very end, I may even read the last few paragraphs of chapters, but that’s about it.)

My point is this: creative energy is powerful, be purposeful about where you direct it.


Today’s 4 Minute Writer

Facebook Me

You tell me I’m your friend and I wonder if that’s in some Facebook kind of way, or if you mean it like it’s for real. Are you looking out for my best interests, or hanging out with me for your convenience? Do I raise your status? When we have a misunderstanding, when I go broke, will you still give me that label? When you find a cooler scene or those who can give you more, will you leave me behind? I need to know now if you’re worth my while, or if I should just go back online and play with my virtual friends.

Use the comment field to suggest a topic, submit your writing on today’s 4 Minute Writer topic (Facebook Me), or to comment.


Filed under Creativity, Writing